Thursday, 30 June 2011

Easy A

Wow! It's hot today!
I just saw a teenage movie... No! I didn't mean it like that! It's like.. 30 degrees in my home! And it's really... well hot..

Anyway! Now that you're destracted I have a little confession to make... I LOVE teenage movies. Everyone of them have their own version of the life in collage and High School, all the Amarican Pie movies I've seen... A LOT! So that's my little confession.

That takes me to this movie XD I looked up a movie called "Easy A" and at first I thought it was like a girl tries the easiest way to get an A in school... It's not.
It's about a girl that gets a reputation as a slut in High School and you could probably guess that none of it is true. Even if the story is very cliché the movie did a great job to keeping it original. ... At least I thought that. Well, the reputation goes on and on and gets worse and worse, but in all teenage movies, it has a happy ending ^^

I think this movie was good. Not great, not horrible or bad, just.. good. And I think this movie is going to be in my thoughts a very long time... At least for a day or two XD I especially like all the commentary.. It was really great listening to all the puns, is it called like that? It was really great hearing a girl who talk fast talk back to someone. It was really fun listening at and the movie kept my interest all the way. Good work!

Although there was some camera work that got me a little irrated sometimes (The actress, Emma Stone's, camera work was much better than the rest XD) but it was still pretty good. The lightning.. GREAT! Love the lightning in the movie! It was a little cliché that the main character had red hair, but.. What could you really expect? The wardrobe for this movie was GREAT! ... I don't really know what to say more about that XD It's not often you think of the wardrobe of a movie (At least not a teenage movie) but this really caught your attention so that was great! AWSOME!

The last thing I was gonna talk about was the actresses... Great actresses! Oh, come on! I've used the word "great" all this time you couldn't be surprised by that. But really! They got some great actresses in this movie and it showed they knew what they were doing! Really professinal!

Ok, the VERY last thing I'm gonna talk about is the characters.. They were very interesting. Her family was so wonderful to follow! They really seemed as a warming family and that is always great to watch.
Her friend is not that special really, I've seen some who act like that and I'm sure you have too so it wasn't something that was exaggerated. And that was great. Although it wasn't that much big of deal when they SPOILER! end the friendship because that friend wasn't really a good friend. She was fun, but.. Not a good friend. In my oppinion. But then again, you couldn't really call Olive to be a good friend either.
The religios girl is a really fun character. One that comes along very often in teenage movies. She was really great to watch because they actually managed to get her very christian! Like SPOILER! when she thought she had gotten Olive to her side as a good christian she was really happy and wanted to become friends with her. Isn't that what a true christian would do? "Forgive thy neighbour"? Or was it love? Or was it both? ... I don't know! Something like that! Next subject!
The counselor was played by none other than Lisa Kudrow and I love that actor! I don't know why but she always get those weird over excited parts which I like XD Anyway... The only thing I'm gonna say about this is... Why couldn't I get a counselor like that?! Why couldn't I get a handful of condoms when I said I was in a relationship? You know what I got?! A nod.. A single head nod and a smile. Yeah! That will protect me! Stupid..

Well! Before I talk about the whole movie (Or rather before I destroy it for you) I would just say.. If you're a fan of teenage movies.. Go see this one. It's worth your time, believe me!

Ok then! ... Bye!

(Sorry for the late movie post and I'll try not to let it happen again! Love you all!)

Monday, 13 June 2011

The Social Network

Wow, when you really look at it I watch a lot of movies!

That wasn't really what I wanted to say, though. I was going to talk about "The social Network". I've wanted to see it since I saw the first commersial of it. Although I soon forgot about it, even its name! Then I saw a reward show and this movie was nominated for.. a lot! And I knew it was that movie because they talked about it and everything like that, yeah! So that made me more interested about the movie, although my expectations sunk a little bit because my experience tells me that the reward winning movie isn't as good as they're saying. So a time went by and I still haven't taken the time to see it but I hear more about it. More so that I learned the name of it! Yeah! I actually learned it before I saw it!

And tonight I've seen it. And let me tell you.... It was AWSOME!

I really liked it! It had me hooked in all the way through! When it was half an hour left on the movie I was like: "No... That can't be right? It can't be done in just a half hour! It has to be at least one hour left!" That's really good impression. And the camera must have been good because nothing irritated me on that part. However the lightning flickered in one scene, but I think it was just our TV that wasn't quite there.... I don't know! That's why I mentioned it in case you had the same problem.. Anyway!

The story was great! It was great told, the thing I noticed was it was filmed like "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" (A great movie I must say.) And that didn't bother me. Sure the movie jumped around a little but it was done in a fun way, not in a irritated way. So that was handled very well, even though they jumped around in different settings you did know what was going on and you could follow it. And as I've been complaining most about in this blog, THEY DID EXPLAIN EVERYTHING! Yes they did! I was waiting for an explination in the end on what was really going on and I got it. I really liked it.

And here's an interesting point also, just rambling something I guess, but I wanted to take it in anyway. The characters was speaking rather fast. I liked it because it indicates that the person is very smart and has an answer to anything, I personaly enjoy listening to people who talk fast because... Ok, I don't really have an answer to that, it's just my personal taste so lest forget about that and cut to the chase why I brought it up in the first place. The adults that see this movie, the ones that aren't so in to the thing with computers and stuff, you'll have to remember that everyone doesn't own a computer and that can be a little tricky. So in that part it was a little minus, but still a small one because they DOES explain everything and in DVD you can paus it and turn on the subtitle if you don't understand everything, sorry, but aren't the technice a wonderful thing? Still, a little downside that MOST of the cast talked fast because they were familiar to these sort of thing. But the actors did an incredible job on not stammer on the lines when they where talking. Really great job guys!

And last... The only thing I didn't like about the movie, was the ending. I don't know if it was because the movie actually ended (I wanted it to go on forever almost!) or if it was that it ended so suddenly. I wanted to know a little bit more even if I really did get everything I needed. So... It was good! I really liked it and I'll be seeing it again for sure!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Kiss of the Dragon


Sorry XD I just finished off with Kiss of the Dragon, I was only going to have it in the background while I was doing something else. That worked a bit in the begenning, but after a couple of minutes... I was stuck. About a half hour in the movie I couldn't take my eyes of it and I watched and everytime it was a commersial I cried out XD It was really good and it kept on being intressting!

It was kind of a Jackie Chan movie but with an asian man that looked a little like Keanu Reeves! He was not that bad looking I must say. But even if you don't look at that, you're gonna love this movie. It had everything! Nice fighting moves, an intressting story, but not too much so that the fights are still intressting. Sometimes a story can take over the movie so that the fights just are in the way. This movie wasn't like that. It had fighting in every scene, almost and the characters where intressting and a lot of stuff that I like in a movie.

I read about it first and it said that it was a french chineese movie. When I read it like that I thought it was going to be on two languaches... One time they speak Chinese and in another time they speak french, but it wasn't like that. They kept the languache in English and only for a couple of seconds in the whole mocie they spoke french. So that was really good too!

And I loved that they didn't have that shaky camera in the fights. Here you could actually see the fight moves! Without that slowmotion that America seems to like. You could see the moves in full clearity and... The whole movie was nicely filmed AND I loved the lights! It was really good!

One thing more was... There was this one scene where a person died.. Harry Potter should take lessons in this moviemaking because.. this one person wasn't in the movie for long, I hardly knew who that was... STILL I got a little touchy feelings for that one person who died. I didn't get those feelings when I saw Serius die (I'm sorry, but that's really awfully filmed) There, he just vanished... "Poff" like Slughorn says. I didn't get ANY feelings at all from that. But here.. It was done REALLY well that I got a little teary in my eyes. I liked it very much.

I'm gonna talk about the ending next to round things up but it's short and I'm not revealing much but.. It was great done! All I'm saying is that the make-up did a nice work on that last scene. And I loved that everyone kept their scars in this movie. You know how other movies usually forgets that the person was hurt just a minute ago.. This did not forget that.

I really liked this movie and that shows probably. I'm gonna see it again. And I think you should see it too if you haven't seen it yet. It was real fun to watch. I wanna see it again right now.
See you next time!