Thursday, 22 September 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2

For those who haven't seen this movie yet don't read this! The only thing you need to know is that I recomend it fot those who like Harry Potter! You got to see it because it's Harry Potter o.o! So instead of reading this... GO SEE IT! NOW! ... Please?

For you who have seen this (or don't think it'll affect the movie if they read what I'm writing here) first I'm gonna talk about Part 1... Very shortly!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1:
I did not like it!

Part 2:
Ok here's what I thought about Part 2 and why... I'm kidding! I'm gonna explain why I don't like part 1 first XD I'm a fan of the Harry Potter books AND the movies. Until this movie I thought that the movies did hold up to the story and didn't leave out any important parts... Part 1 left out some important parts..
First: They didn't explain how the deatheaters could find them in the muggle world! They had the scene in the cofeeshop where the two men came in and started off the fight there between Harry Potter, Hermione and Ron. I was glad that the scene was in the movie because it is important for the story (why Harry and Hermione can't say Voldemort, as we recall in the fifth movie Hermione started calling Voldemort by his name). In the book when Ron comes back and says he heard Hermione calling his name through the light-thingy he explains that Voldemort had done the same thing.. Put a track on his name. Then Hermione says it is clever since only his worst enimes dare to say his name... Did they put it in the movie? NO!! They didn't explain it! They had the scene but they never explain why it was in there!!! Stupid stupid stupid!
Second: *sigh* This is kind of personal and not really important so don't take this critic so seriously.. The scene where Hermione reads about the Deathly Hollows -.- *sigh* That scene was stupid! Sorry! I love the artwork it is fantastic... But it's something for Hellboy! You know in the second movie the golden army.. It's the same thing! The same colors the same atmosphere and... It's not Harry Potter! I'm sorry.. It's not. It would have been better if Hermione would just have read the book and then the camera would have worked around to see all the faces.. Nothing more was needed. It would have also worked when Ron says that line how his mother used to tell it. This version made it only seem so dorky -.-
Third: I was really disappointed to where the movie ended. It was so much I missed from the book and I didn't think it would lead them much to do in part 2. Just the ending fight like the Lord of the Ring movies... One movie of three hours fighting... I was so disappointed... But when I saw the second part... It was much better.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2:
The movie begins... It was a disappointment how it began.. I thought it was a commercial before I saw Voldemorts hiddeus face o.o I'm sorry! But I really hate the movie version of Voldemort.. That's not Voldemort to me that's just a copy-cat. And then there was a small disappointment.. They didn't put in the Harry Potter music in the beginning. Whule the credit was rolling they could have put it in. It was a perfect time to add that song. It was quiet anyway probably to put in atmosphere but seems it was the last movie... Oh well! It was a small disappointment XD Then the movie jumps right into the story and I'm hooked in! I don't know what to tell you about the story.. You should know it XD You're a Harry Potter fan right? ... No? ... All right! Here's the story... READ THE BOOK! It's a great book so go buy it and read it if you want to understand anything XD

Here's what I don't like in this movie:
VOLDEMORT! How much more can they distroy him o.O When I saw him hugging Draco Malfoy when he goes to his family... I puked o.o It was horrible! And how he giggles and such... Eu! I'm sorry.. And isn't he suppose to have RED EYES! Not blue! Well.. The design for him I can't say much about.. His coat is awsome XD And how much can you do when the description is: He looks like a snake.... Not much! So they try, good for them. But I thought Voldemort was suppose to be mysterious, gracious and things like that... Not a giggle school girl who tries to be a great world ruler. No.. The movies totally destroyed Voldemort... That's all I didn't like about Part 2

What I did like:
All the things I wanted to be in are in there. The fact that the spiders from the forbidden forest fight in the ending battle, that Harry Potter disappears inside Snapes mind, why Voldemort can't use the wand and the King Cross scene. I was really glad that it was put in there. Oh! And also how Voldemort dies! It was very pretty and well made! So that was great! And I liked how Bellatrix went off too... I actually screamed "no" when she did :P I liked her XD And who can forget Fred? I gried more for Fred than I did for Sirius (I think his death was very poorly made in the movies o.o) And how Harry just looks at Remus and doesn't cry and you can just feel how their death affects the rest of the people.. It's very sad.. So that they did well!

I liked this movie! It was good and it does hook you in! I'm gonna see it again XD It was a worthy ending to such a good serie! Love Harry Potter! So sad that it won't come anymore o.o Hopefully we'll get something as epic as that :P Hey! You can still hope for it!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


First of all I apologiza for my absence.. I have a life! Ok? No sorry in that XD But today I saw Rango and now I'm gonna write about it here like I always do when I see a new movie ^^

So what did I think about Rango? .... SEEN IT! For one hour the movie didn't hook me in. I had seen it (shark tale) and it didn't found a new way to tell the story. You see, today it's tricky to make a movie we haven't already seen. Everything has been done before! There are millions or billions of movies out there! How can you possibly make a movie that hasn't been seen? The only way we can appriciate it is to do another version of that story... This didn't. The only thing pleasant about Rango was the animation. I liked this animation ^^ It was very well done! The details was impressive! And the ending was a new one.

One hour of boredomeness before 20 minutes of sighes and in the last 20 minutes... The movie hook me in. Now is that a critic you want to hear? That only in the last 20 minutes the movie is interesting and new o.O?

The movie is about a dreaming lizard who is dreaming of another life... You see that in the first 5 minutes (You don't get to know the life before the big adventure but I think that was what the director was after). We see his glas box (Don't know the word for an akvarium for lizards) get shattered on a road though his owners was about to move... I think. So he is left in desert. He goes to a village where the water is almost gone and then he comes to a realisation. He can be anybody there seem that no one knew who he was. Big dreamer everyone... Here is when it becomes old. You could probably imagine what happens... Think of Shark tale and you know exatly how the whole movie is played out. The villagers make him a sheriff since he killed a hawk (by accident) but here's the twist.. He doesn't make a fool out of himself. He seems to getting into the role even though he makes mistakes, they wasn't so big that he couldn't fix them up somehow.. And he knows HOW to search for clues when the last water is stolen.. That was really... I don't know.. The lizard knew where to look for clues, like shoes and stuff and... It just seemed like the director hadn't thought about that... Nobody knew who this lizard was before this adventure not even the director! At least it felt like it.

Well the story goes that he finds the water big shock that the humans was responsible for it to go away. So they return the water and everything turns out ok and it ends in a western way... But they did it wrong o.o And not at least funny! Because they did it wrong they extended the joke and it didn't work.. I think I laughed three times in the whole movie and it was just so boring! Everything about this movie was boring o.o

The biggest disappointment where all the sighes went up and I really let the hopes go down for the movie was the snake.... *sigh* That snake... I had so much hope for it. It would be like the hawk and it was just gonna be a snake eating like a snake does.... *sigh* They made it a big weapon... All I could think of was Jafar. Aladdin! But I loved the sound of it. But again... We have those sounds in Transformers and they are much cooler there because they have a REASON to sound like that! What where these people thinking of when they made this movie o.o?! I think it went something like this: "We want to do a movie where Johnny Depp is a lizard! In the desert! ... Let's see what other stories we can combine with that!" ... BORING!!

Nope! I don't recomend this movie because you're just gonna fall asleep in the couch! Dreaming of much better movies that at least tries to be original! When I saw the cover and the trailer for this movie I sighed and I didn't want to see it... I really hoped that it would prove me wrong...

Better luck next time!