... I was scammed!
I didn't know about this movie until Doug Walker posted his "Movies I won't review". Well... I'm reviewing this for him! This movie was boring!! I didn't laugh any time in this movie! I giggled a few times, but there was FEW times I giggled. The jokes in the movie seemed to be around on how over the top it was drawn. Plus it had those joke where anyone who's big can move a house, makes earthquake when they walk and stuff like that. Very over the top and they used it over and over and over again! They had THREE characters that was like that! Most movies sets around one and that's ok.. But three big characters in ONE movie is too much! ... I'm really irritated about this film!! Can you notice ^^?
Well.. The story is about a cat that wants to go to hollywood. ... Do I need to explain the rest? You can guess from that what is going to happen! The cat wants to be big and figures he can succeed in Hollywood. Although when he arrives he discovers that the dream of becoming something huge in Hollywood is only for Humans. So you can guess, he comes across other animals that have tried to become great talents but are now broken down because it was a far away dream and bla bla bla... In the end he turns it all around. Surprised?
When I saw Doug Walkers clips from this I thought the animation was interesting. But after about... Maybe half an hour.. Perhaps less, I got tired of it. I didn't like the coloring, the background was anoying, I didn't like how they pretrayed some people and... Yeah, it wasn't very good. I got irritated of it, simply put. Also in the beginning the lines moves very quickly. It's like a ping pong boll between conversations. Also I couldn't make out all what they were saying. There were a lot of things I couldn't hear what they were saying because they mumbled the lines or said it with a squeky and shaky voice. I couldn't hear it. The only lines I could hear perfectly was the main character and Darla (she's a sweety, I'll get to her in the end).
So that was a disapointment. The thing that dragged me to the movie turned out to irritate me XD Yay! *sigh* But the characters where annoying also. The main character were ok, that little boy who dreams about something and does everything to make it come true. Nothing much to that. The rest of the cast were so irritating, and that's mostly how the jokes come around on how big they are. Also that I couldn't hear what they say.... So yeah, those things were really destracting and why shouldn't they? You can't enjoy a movie if the colors and animation is horrible and you can't even hear what they are saying! Can you?
Anyway, I should tell you what I liked because there were two things in this movie I actually enjoyed... The little pinguin was cute and well betrayed. Although I don't know what he was doing in the beginning o.O Was that a job? A hobby? Or.. Was he decorating the new house he didn't have? I don't know... Although I did enjoy the scene when he was stealing donuts. I saw the pinguin as a lost boys who finds his hero cat on the street and wants to be like him. They really catched that in his eyes and they didn't make any jokes about how little he was or make him SUPER cute. They petrayed him as a little boy in a pinguin costyme... Sort of.
The other thing I liked was Darla Dimple. I thought I would like her also and how can you not? Her smile is so evil and false and it works! She was really enjoyable to watch, but why did they have to show her panties everytime? Oh well! I liked her personality, I liked the way she was drawn and I even liked her voice! They choosed the perfect voice for that character and I think that was the only character they could find a good voice o.O I didn't like the other voice choice.
And that was it! That's what I liked. It didn't make me change my oppinion about it. I didn't like this movie, it was boring it was bad and it was BORING! So... I'm not recomending this movie, actually I'm advicing you to stay away from it! Maybe if you want to sleep this movie is a great sleeping pill! That's all!
".. Newman!"