Tuesday, 26 June 2012

One Day

Ok, I've watched three movies in three days now and I'm starting to get frustrated because I didn't like any of them! Althuogh this is the only one I could properly talk about so... Here it is!

I was searching for new movies to watch and came across a movie that was called One Day. I saw that Anne Hathaway was going to be in it so I got hyped. So I read a little on what it was about got about... "Two people met at 15th July 1988 and decided to go on a date but stayed friends..." after that I stopped reading and watched it instead.... I wish I had read further because I have no idea what this movie was about.

I can't even summon the movie since I don't quite understand it. At first I thought it was going to be: we follow their development through every year on the same day... Well, yeah, just not every year.... OK, so the movie want to show how much everything changes in a couple of years? ... Well, sort of, it's more the cultural that changes than the people. Do we at least get development in their relationship? ... Well, no not at all.
So I'm really confused on what this movie wanted to do with this story. If you want a better summary on the story you can search more on google. I'm confused and I'm gonna tell you why.

The edeting in this movie helped with that confusion. In the beginning it felt like they didn't really cared on what was going on a year after they showed us a clip of their life. So we were given one clip and then when it's not really ended they cut to another year.... It was just one scene that wasn't even finished! But hey, that's not important! It's just filler because we need to get it into a 2 hour long movie! ... There was even a scene in like 5 seconds that represented one year and you only saw Anne Hathaway swimming.... "This has been another: pointless moment." So yeah, the editing was really distracting.

I said that the character didn't develope either. That's because they don't really have a personality. They have actions, but they lack motivation for their actions, or emotions all together. They show anger and sadness but when the movie tries to show when a character is in love.... They smile right? They kiss each other? Yeah! There's nothing more than that! They smile so smile a lot and act in love! ... Yeah... continue to think that and you'll be spinning on a pink cloud round and round in a circle too.

So the things I didn't like was the story, the characters and the editing... Is there something I liked? No! I couldn't even appritiate the acting because the characters weren't given any personalities! It was just what the movie wanted them to act and followed that... Motivation? Know what that is? You don't need to spell it right just understanding the word is enough. I got so bored with this movie that in the last hour I checked how much time it was left every ten minute! It was really boring and it felt like the movie was done two hours ago! So it felt really long, it was boring and I don't understand it. I don't know if it was written as a book before the movie but as a movie... It doesn't work.

So I don't recomend this movie... It wants to show something but it doesn't work at all. Hope the fourth movie I see I'll like.

Friday, 15 June 2012

TRON Legacy

I'm guessing this is a continueing story of the movie TRON but I'm not really sure. I haven't seen the first movie so I can't really talk about that. What I can talk about is the movie I actually saw and that was TRON Legacy!

I heard that this movie was supposed to be bad and... I think I can understand why people think that but honestly, I liked it. It isn't an awsome movie that gave me shivers like other movies and I saw some flawes in it, but.. Even so, I think I'm gonna see it again! Why? .... I don't know but continue to read if you want to know. Although there is where I have my spoilers so read my summary of the story first and see if you'll like it or not and then you can decide if you want to watch it or not. Ok! So let's begin!

Here comes the summary of the story:
The story is REALLY simple. Find the lost dad and when you've find him, try to get home. It's nothing really complicated in the story, the only complicated thing is the world this movie have created. I kind of see something like I, Robot in this, although that movie was much better. So here I'm gonna explain from the beginning. It starts of with a father telling a story for his son, and the way I figure it's the plot of the first TRON movie. And that's pretty clever to do it like that. I who haven't seen that movie followed the story pretty well thanks to that... I think.. If you want to know that story, read the summary of Disney's TRON on IMDb. So soon after telling that story the father disappears, no one knows where he is, for 20 years! So the son has grown up to a punk, rebellious kid.... He's 27 but is still called a kid.... OK. But then he gets a message to come down to his fathers office and what does he find there? An old computer that takes him to the digital world his father spoke of in his story. And here's when the movie really lights up! .. Litteraly! It's neon lights EVERYWHERE! The kid, named Sam, goes through a survival test and sort of... Loses. But since he is a user, not a program, he gets special treatment and is presented to his father.... 's clone! In the previous movie his father created a clone to help him and a program named Tron to help the world. The clone is named Clue and he's still trying to go for the reason he was created. To create the perfect world. Although, for that to happen he has to take away the program's free will get rid of the users who opose him and... yeah, you can imagine where I get the I, Robot from. So Sam finally finds his dad and he have to convince his father to come home with him. You see... There is another complication. Since the father is the creater of the world his disk (there are special disks that records every movement and thoughts of what you do in this world.. If I understood that correctly) Anyway! His disk is the key to the portal that can transport Clue to the real world! That's why the father don't want to go with Sam because that would mean that Clue would have a better chance on getting that disc and take control over the real world. Ans that's pretty much all you need to know. The storyline is simple, but the world they created is not so that's a good balance to it. I think I understood it... most of it. But this is my interpretation.

I'm gonna start with saying what I think was bad in this movie and I think I'm starting with the short one. The title... I won't pick on the first movie since I haven't seen it! But... Why is it called "TRON"? He is mentioned like... Two times in the movie and that's in the last 30 minutes! And this movie is 2 hours long! It probably is a sequal... Or a remake... Or something! But that movie was made in 1982! This movie came out 2010! You are allowed to changed the title efter so much time. Especially since the carachter the title stands for... Isn't really in there! I think the title would be more like "The Grid", that's the name of the digital world. And you can continue that title! "The Grid - The legacy of TRON" or something like that! But yeah, it's a smaller thing that isn't THAT much of a bother. So let's move on!

The other thing that bugged me was the acting in this movie... Everyone seemed very stiff. No one talked naturally. It seemed like everyone was just reading a manuscript instead of having an actual conversation. I can understand the father for being stiff since his life really is upside down and nothing is like it was for him, but for Sam and Clue to be stiff? Come on! These are the characters that are supposed to have life! Sam is a rebellious kid who is 27 years old and is pretty smart! He shouldn't be stiff when he comes to another world! It was OK in the beginningbecause I'm guessing he was kind of shocked for showing up in a glowing city with glowing people who talked like robots! But... He was pretty stiff through the whole movie... And the actor who played Clue... It felt like he was holding back SO MUCH! I have no idea why... It felt like he had so much energy but was nervoud and couldn't really let go? I don't know... So.. The acting.. I wasn't a fan of it, sorry.

Now I'm gonna talk about the good stuff and saving the best for last. So what I'm beginning with is that this movie didn't seem rushed! It started out REALLY slow and I had a hard time to get into it, but in the middle I was really hooked up and I didn't want anything to disturb me! So yeah, slow in the beginning but kept my interest. And because it was such a simple storyline the movie could take it's time to explain everything that was going on. So yeah, that was really good! No rush! Great!

The other good thing was the colors... I REALLY liked these colors! For the "heroes" and neutral programers they kept them in a light blue/white neon light and for the "bad guys" they had a orange/red neon light. I really liked that! And that was the color of most parts of the movie. Mixed with black! And it looked great! For Clue however they gave him a yellow neon light and the first outfit he appears with... I WANT THAT! Oh well! So that was really nice to see! The colors where thing that attracted me to the movie and... Yeah! I really liked them! I was not disappointed with the colors!

I'm going to talk about the thing that was most awsome in this movie and then I'm talking about the ending for last! Is that Ok? ... Hope you didn't disagree with me there because that's what I'm doing.
In some point I shouted this to the TV screen: "Music, can you stop being so awsome?! I'm trying to concentrate on the story!" The music was so great that I ended up only listening to the music instead of the dialogue! ... Not good. But the music was really great! I think it belonged in this movie, the music didn't seemed forced in and it felt like... The composer was doing what he liked but also did it to a movie where it belonged! So that was really great! At some point I whished this movie could be a silent film because I really liked the music and the visual but not the dialogue. But I probably wouldn't get much of the story if they did that.

Now I'm gonna talk about the last thing... The ending. It felt like... Not rushed but it seemed like they forgot some things. It felt like they were saving things for a second movie. Like, in some point they say that TRON is alive but has been reprogramed into being Clue's soldier... And near the end... He becomes a good guy again... Not really sure why or how it happened but it happened! And... They leave him at the bottom of a big ocean with his neon lights just switching to blue/white. After that we see Clue interact with the father and asking if he did something wrong (it sounds better than it was because the acting here was really bad) he did what he was supposed to do, create a better world. And then we see the father sending his son back to the real world and destroying Clue and just as Sam gets back to real world the father makes all the lights from the Grid disappear... And that's it! ... Wait what? What happened with Tron? Did he die in that water? Can he swim? He's a program! I don't know. And what happened to the Grid? Did the father make it better? Did he give the free will back? Did he save the other programs from slavery? Or was the programers lost beoynd help and tried to resist? Still under Clue's grasp? I don't know! It just ends there! And it doesn't really stop, we see Sam interact with other people saying that he's more grown up and we end on him taking a ride on his bike, showing the real world to a... advanced program (I don't remember what she was but something like that). So yeah... It feels like they were saving some things for a second movie, but I don't know if that'll ever be. Well, maybe... It took 28 years to do a sequal so maybe the next sequal will come out in another 28 years? Don't know! Can't really see into the future.

But yeah, all together.. It has some good things in it and some bad things so it isn't an awsome movie and it has flawes but.. I still like it! Mostly because of the visuals and the music! Have to get the soundtrack it was that awsome! Hope you got a little help with this review and... Continue to read my stuff! Please! Bye!