This was a very emotional movie. The people who worked on this knew what they were doing. They knew what they wanted to get across and they did it wonderful. They thought about everything and... Yeah, this is a great movie!
The movie is taking place during the world war two, yeah, how many of those haven't we seen yet? And it's about a child... Wait what? That's right! This is a movie about world war two from a childs perspective! And it's perfectly done! It picks a serious tone and keeps it through the whole movie, even if the characters are having fun and laughing the movie is still serious.
So the movie starts with showing the main character, Bruno, who's eight years old, playing with his friends. They're just having fun like childrens do, without a caring in the world. Then Bruno comes home and notices that some soldiers are moving out their furniture. His father tells him that they're going to move to the country since he got a job offer, a promotion. And oh, his father is a soldier. Anyway! So Bruno is leaving his home and all his friends to a house which he can't leave. He can only play in the front yard or in the house and also, he's not going to school, so where are all these new friends his father was speaking of? This movie, really shows the emotion Bruno is feeling, the lonliness and boredom of being on your own in a strange house you can't really explore. But one day his boredom takes over and he goes to the back and further into the forest. There he comes across a farm where strange people are living, they all wear blue striped pyjamases and an electric fence is surrounding the farm... He befriends a small boy there and yes, he finally has a friend in his new home. He also has a older sister who finds the soldier men interessting and she takes in everything she reads in the newspapers and the home tutor who's only teaching them history... she likes going to school now. She grows up with thinking what her wants her to think, but Bruno is only thinking about his friend in the striped pyjamas...
... I love this story! It's perfect! First I thought that it was going to be that they grow up and Bruno is going to hate his friend and bla bla bla... But.. No. They're keeping him at age eight through the entire movie and I loved that! It was a whole new experience and it kept my interest all the way through.
Good parts? Everything!
All the actors are doing a great job in this! I believed everything they were saying and doing! No character overstepped their personality or anything, every character held to their... well.. character. So that was really great! What I mean about this is, you know where a character can seem unsuportive or angry through the entire movie and at one point it can turn and that character says a line that is REALLY suportive? And the one who's positive and happy can suddenly be REALLY angry and stuff like that? The one who's usually calm is the first one to get a mental breakdown? I hope you know what I'm talking about... But that doesn't accur in this movie. Every character stays in their character and I'm SO happy for that!
The edeting and the shots are beautiful in this! Especially the shots! I loved the shots, because they really thought about how a scene should look, how to edit and how to aim the chamera through a scene. It's a really good looking movie and more than once I thought how perfectly shot the scene was. It helps set the mood so... WELL DONE!!
The music is also well handed! They used the music very calmly to a beginning, it keeps it in the background and just let's the characters do the mood and of course the camera work. But what they really did was building up the drama to the ending and then the music really builds to a clichendo and then... silence. Very nicely done! As I said, they thought about everything in this movie!
They really got across the relationships well here too. Between the mother and the father is really dramatic, but again, it's through a child's eyes. And Bruno between his sister is great, the sister is also played well and everything she says.. Yeah, everything is great. So I'm just gonna say every relationship is played and written well in this movie.
Yeah! ... I gotta name something I didn't like right? Well, there was only ONE thing I didn't really like, but it didn't really take me of the moment so it didn't spoil everything. I'm jusr gonna say: SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER but yeah well, there was one reaction that I didn't think they were keeping in mind and that was, well, Bruno's grandmother dies after a bombattack to their house and Bruno doesn't really seem to care after the funeral. He just thinks of the funeral not at the fact that his grandmother just died.. I don't even think that he cries! And.. A eightyear old boy who loses his grandmother, they seemed pretty close... shouldn't he cry? That was disturbing but other than that... I can't think of another thing I didn't like.
So yeah, I recomend this movie! See it with your family, it deserves to be seen by everybody! It's a REALLY sad ending though so... Be aware of your teary eyes. Until next time! See you! Thanks for continue reading even though my "break" through in December and half of November!
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